Bachelor of Business Studies

The Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) has been on the run at the Triveni International College (TIC) since 2067 BS (2010 AD). In the initiation year, the college made first debut of the program with 59 students, and over the years

TIC has attracted gradually increasing number of students for the BBS program.

As the syllable outlines, the BBS Program is based on the principle that graduates will spend a major portion of their life in a constantly changing environment. Therefore, the student should have an opportunity to obtain a broad knowledge of the concepts and reality based skills with technology underlying the operation and management of organizations. Upon graduation, students should be equipped to function as a professional and aspirant to be manager in business, industry and government. The graduate should also have a variety of career opportunities in different sectors of business including entrepreneurship and needed job creator. The specialization areas in BBS program are: Account, Finance and Marketing.

The Salient Features BBS

  • Aims to specialize in the management skill, administration, accountancy and financial
  • Modern day management course thoroughly revised and updated.
  • The cheapest and reliable study course designed by Trithuvan University in terms of
    money and time.
  • Accredited for international credit transfer and academic recognition.
  • Consisting of core, theoretical and skill based courses in management stream.
  • Nurturing entrepreneurial capabilities in students to make them capable change agents
    in the Nepalese society.
  • Developing necessary foundation for higher studies in management and thereafter take
    up careers in teaching, research and consultancy.

4-Year BBS full Curriculum